Out Of The Woods
Job 37:22 -- "Out of the north He comes in golden splendor; God comes in awesome majesty."
I was so NOT expecting this turn of events and I felt so much less than UNprepared. With our annual home-school portfolio review right around the corner, I guess you could say that I had some difficulty finding the silver lining in the deep, dark clouds that seemed to be rolling in.
So it was with a somewhat horrible attitude I began packing boxes, arranging for the rental truck, digging around for my sharpee markers, and turning the house upside down in search of my packing tape.
When my attitude gets this sour, I play a little trick on myself and start reading Job. For two reasons: one of which is - if I look at the stress and chaos in Job's life, I am sure to realize that my list of things about which I feel entitled to whine is nothing in comparison. The second reason is - to be reminded that God is in charge. Even when I don't always like the task He's set before me.
No spring chicken, one would think that I'd learned by now that God is ALWAYS good and He ALWAYS knows what's best.
Having spent three full days unloading the rental truck and making trips back and forth from the old location to the new home, I woke early and jittery - ready to take on the eye-ball-high pile of boxes in the garage. We would need showers to start the day, at some point we would want food [not the fast variety], and the bathrooms had none of the essentials yet. So I set myself down on the floor of my brand new, albeit empty living room with a cup of coffee in my hand, opened the blinds and looked out at the woods in the back yard. A lazy fog made the view a tad bit hazy, but I do so enjoy greeting the day as the sun comes up.
To my astonishment and delight, a single doe timidly poked her head out of the woods and into my back yard. I froze, hoping she wouldn't see me through the blinds. And I smiled at her as she nibbled on the grass. What a beautiful, personal blessing!
The new home is everything I could want. The carpet is the perfect color [it doesn't show dirt!], AND I was given a fresh new day with a gentle mist AND a sweet deer in welcome to the very first morning in our brand new house!
God's majesty does, indeed come in golden splendor! It was such a precious moment for me, alone with God and one of his gentle, amazing creatures - ready to greet a brand new day with our Creator at the helm.
I am richly blessed, O Lord. I am thankful that you remind me of that.
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