Ecclesiastes 11:9 -- "Rejoice young man, while you are young, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth."
My niece needed help with her home work and asked if she could come by. I'll never ignore an opportunity to play with any of my nieces - even if it is homework - but today, ignoring chores that had gone unattended due to a bout with a spring cold had me feeling a little overwhelmed. We set a time for her to swing by and I left the shower as it had been all week - unattended.
It was about then that I received a reminder from God that we are fishers of people, not projects. Like Martha scrambling around in her kitchen when Jesus popped in for a visit, I often find myself busy with stuff when I should be enjoying the company with whom I am blessed. Time invested in the kindling of hearts is more precious than time spent digging dust bunnies out from under the sofa. If the Lord calls us all home tomorrow, will I look back and be sorry that the dust bunnies continue to magically multiply under my furniture or will I be sorry that I didn't spend time with a cherished love one? Not really a difficult decision when thought is given to the matter.
Today, inspired by the grace and love given to us by an Amazing Savior, I happily invest my time chasing metaphors instead of dust bunnies, putting ideas to paper instead of putting the dishes away, enjoying the lilt of laughter like bubbles in a Spring breeze instead of watching bubbles float into the air from the kitchen sink. The moments with which we are so richly blessed by fellowship with kindred hearts are so very, very sweet. I will not always have the capability to help my niece with her homework. There will be a day when I don't see too well, can't write because of knobby arthritic fingers, and ask her to repeat herself often because my hearing won't be what it is now. It's important to take time with her NOW. Perhaps that is what Ecclesiastes 11:9 is all about.
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