Joy In Full
John 16:24 -- "Until now you have asked for nothing in My name; ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be made full."
When my grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer some years ago she said to me that one of the most important things she could do to beat the disease was to maintain a positive state of mind. She clung to laughter and consistently, routinely counted her many, many blessings. She has been in remission for some time, now.
A thing that I think is overlooked in our daily grind is the ACT of claiming real joy! Jesus came not only that we may have life - but that we may have it more abundantly! In John 16:24 Jesus says that our joy can be made full if we ask for it in His name. His desire in that verse is that we not only have joy, but have it to the full! This means that God puts a great importance on joy in our lives.
I think there are times when we have to reach out and claim it. Sometimes, THAT might not seem so easy - but it IS necessary.
I know I've mentioned the book by Ann Voskamp several times and in fact, her book 1000 Gifts was the inspiration behind this blog - the truth is, there is great joy in our world and it's sad that so many of us trudge through this life without ever really seeing it. So often my focus is on what can go wrong - which puts me in a defensive state of being, rather than focusing on what HAS and WILL go right. Often I've observed that we humans tend to see the spot of negative in our lives when the bright positives often far outweigh the number of things that didn't go as we planned or turned out to be a complete disaster. And - like our physical bodies that need joy when we are sick, our spirits need joy to grow, to be healthy, to spread the Word of God and bare fruit.
That's why, when things get a little tough or I seem to be climbing a slippery slope with no end in sight - I've started the habit of keeping a gratitude journal. Daily I strive to put at least two things in that journal. What has surprised me is that once I put pen to paper - those two little things often turn into ten, twenty, and sometimes I have to make myself stop writing them down in order to finish other things that need to be accomplished.
I challenge you - keep a gratitude journal. Reach out and claim the joy that God wants for you! I think you might be surprised how very much this little act can turn into a BIG change in your life!
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