A Walk On The Light Side
I John 1:7 -- "But if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from all sin."
As a Noreaster lumbers across the south east, I take in a deep breath, and before you know it, there it is. That sigh. That full body, muscle tired, bone aching sigh - that starts at the hair follicles on my head and ends with my crooked pinky toe. The thing is - I LOVE winter! I want to move to a state that has actual changes in season where I can witness the explosion of bright colors and major dips on the thermometer, but I have to admit, the gray gets to me on occasion. Even down here in Florida.

Ever notice that in movies it nearly always rains during a funeral? The fact is - people FEEL darkness. This applies to our physical nature AND our spiritual one.
It amazes me how often we perceive intimacy in dark spaces behind closed doors. True, honest, and pure human connection happens in wide open spaces with light blazing from all directions. Perhaps not from a physical aspect, but real fellowship happens when we stop wearing our masks and allow the light to come in AND to shine outward. Verse seven of I John chapter one tells us this. When we walk in the light, as God is in the light, we will be granted fellowship with one another.
Far, far too often we tend to hide. Whether it be because we're slightly insecure or a little ashamed, our true self tends to be tucked away behind the guise of politeness, fake laughter, and yes - even service in our community. That's not how God designed us. He created you and I to walk in the light. To share and to be shared WITH.
I happen to bump into an old acquaintance of mine a while back and something she said to me took me full-on by surprise. We talked about husbands, hearth and home, and of course - our kids. She mentioned that she didn't understand what was going on with her youngest daughter. I asked her - "Have you talked to her? Have you asked her what's going on?"
You would NOT believe the look on her face. She resembled a deer in headlights before she stuttered - "What? No. I can't do that."
WHY!? Why can't we TALK to our kids, our husbands, our parents, or our friends?
Our time is so short on this planet. I don't want to spend it hiding in the shade. We need light. I want to walk in the light and I LONG to share the light with others. Can't you FEEL the warmness of the sunshine on your skin as the rays surround you in bright? Walk there. Linger there. Grow there. And most importantly - SHARE there.
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