Made In The Shade
Psalm 62:5 -- "Yes, my soul, find rest in God; "
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It was rest. It was confort. It was renewal.
The top of my head would finally stop emanating heat like a miniature radiator and goose bumps would break out on my arms in the change of temperature. The sweat that had dripped from my hair to my face would evaporate and my sundress would dry out - cooling me down even more. AND I could finally take my rubber wellingtons off. Mom made us wear them when we were outside in order to protect our little tootsies from snakes - but I can tell you - those things did not breathe at all. The very first thing I did when I was called inside was kick them off and let my poor little feet get some air.
Outside was adventure: mud pies, honey bees swarming as they sought out new digs with more space, baboons raiding the clinic, and the big 'ole Tom/African bobcat that took swipes at my sister and me. But when we were called inside - it was like flipping a switch. It was quiet. It was cool. It was peaceful. We knew we could find rest there. We knew we could take a break when we walked through the door.
We have such busy lives, you and I. Especially now that we're in the throws of the holiday season and Thanksgiving is just a few short weeks away. Then there will be the crazy of Christmas and New Year ... it can easily make a person's head spin.
But - we CAN find quiet. We CAN find rest. God is ever faithful and ALWAYS our stronghold. Deuteronomy 33:27 says "The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms."
Sturdy refuge in everlasting arms.
So -- yes, my soul. Find rest. Find rest in God - for all my hope is in Him.
Step through the door and into the comfort of God's eternal refuge and find rest. The crazy will still be there - right where you left it - when you've had a bit of a break in the arms of our wonderful God.
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